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Price: From 1.900€

ISO tool is an application that facilitates the process of monitoring and organizing the ISO standards that are observed by a company / organization.

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21st century businesses are called upon to apply many ISO standards (e.g. 9001, 14001, OHSAS 18001) to their day-to-day operations, increasing their management costs, bureaucracy, document or e-mail management, frequently in an inefficient way .

Iso-tool is a cloud application and is provided in the form of Software As A Service (SaaS). It works without the need to install special infrastructure or equipment, so that the user has easy access from anywhere.

Iso-tool helps businesses and enterprises organize all their ISOs. It is a horizontal multi-standard ISO management application (e.g. 9001, 14001, OHSAS 18001) and it results in:

  • reducing the cost of managing inspections
  • the exact maintenance of the process according to each standard making it impossible to bypass the process
  • the elimination of forms during the audit
  • complete control and supervision of ISO retention by management.



It registers the Internal Audit procedures of all the applied ISOs analytically.
It registers the non-compliance points of every procedure followed with each ISO standard.
It exports reports of non-compliance for business’ further improvement according to each ISO standard.
It keeps a history of the internal audits and non-compliance


Any member of staff can register the Non-Conformity Incident in the System.
Contributes to the easy management of the incident from the Head of Department
Contributes to the management of the incident by the IMS who proposes the corrective actions to be implemented
Monitoring the progress during the resolving process of the incident


Any member of staff can register the Complaint in the System
Contributes to the easy management of the complaint from the Head of Department
Contributes to the management of the complaint by the IMS who proposes the corrective actions to be implemented
Monitoring the progress during the resolving process of the complaint


Maintains a library of ISO documents
Maintains the process of modifying ISO documents
Management of proposed changes and modifications of ISO documents by staff


Heads of departments register the risks based on the requirements of the ISO applied. For every risk, its probability and severity are introduced and the size of the risk is extracted.
Heads of departments insert the measures needed to be taken to reduce the risk
Reevaluates the risk after implementation of new measures
It keeps a history of risk management


It registers the performance indicators based on the ISO requirements
Presentation of performance indicators
It helps manage the goals set by the administration (task management)
It sends the corrective changes that need to be implemented to those in charge
It keeps a registry of the administration decisions for the corrective changes that are done.


The manager of a company / institution can manage the equipment information of the company
Simplifies the export of useful equipment information in excel format.


There are multiple benefits from using the Iso-tool in a business / organization, because with its uniform operation and automation, it offers:

Maximizing the benefits of the correct application of ISO
Minimize the movement of documents or emails
Continuous updating of changes in real time
Export statistics in real time
Classified access with specific roles and passwords

“Release” the Quality Manager of your business with Iso-tool.